Welcome to the House of Frigg

Bamboo Bookshelf

Welcome to the Bamboo Bookshelf: A Collection of Good Books… for book writer’s and book lovers.

On our shelf you’ll find the most carefully curated books, novellas and art available to us.

We offer a shared platform for emerging authors and offer support for new ones.

All our readers are cherished here, so please feel encouraged to send us your book reviews.

We are a family here at Bamboo Bookshelf.  Rest relax and kick up your feet, you are in for a really GOOD read.

Chloe Sanchez (aka Janiece McIntosh)

“Channeling my authentic truth … Let’s discover other worlds together…”

Shiloh Justice • Artist • Author • Poet • Philosopher • Urban Fantasy & Magical Surrealism *Specializing in History, Language and Metaphysics